Iconic Buildings Shine Japan’s Colors to Encourage Relief Effort

In a show of solidarity with the stricken island nation, Landmarks across the world glowed the red and white national flag of Japan's Beginning Monday evening.

The expression of international support Was led by New York City's Empire State Building, Upper Decks Whose lit up with Japan's chosen colors at sunset. "We are proud buildings around the globe That Have Agreed to join Our Efforts to Raise Awareness for Earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan," Anthony E. Malkin of the Empire State Building Company Said in a statement.

Among the celebrated Structures That Followed suit Were Toronto's CN Tower, Chicago's John Hancock Observatory, Auckland's Sky Tower, Montreal's Olympic Tower, South Korea's N Seoul Tower, Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, the Macau Tower and Kuala Lumpur's Soaring Menara.

Were the participating towns Hoping That the loud Would visual cues to remind Residents donate to aid reputabl Efforts in Japan, Which is still reeling from the impact of a deadly 9.0-magnitude Earthquake, an ensuing tsunami and a nuclear crisis. The Disasters have left over 10,000 dead and 17,000 missing, Estimates by Tokyo's official, and may have caused over $ 300 billion in damages.

The Empire State Building has flashed red and white on the Asian nation's BEHALF Before-once in celebration of Japan's 2009 World Baseball Classic victory, and a second time in June of 2010, 150 years after Japan's first diplomatic mission to the United States arrived in New York City. But on April 4 Reaching the wide-lights shone Were not just as an honorific display, soft Also a spark to action.